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Steer Your Dealership Clear from False Advertising Claims

August 03, 2023

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising, automobile dealerships face unique challenges when it comes to promoting their vehicles and still staying within legal boundaries. One common pitfall is the unintentional use of false advertising, that can lead to customer dissatisfaction and even legal repercussions. Kolar and Associates is a team of experienced and successful attorneys, recognized for our ability to represent automobile dealerships in all types of legal matters, and we understand the importance of maintaining transparency and compliance in your dealership's advertising practices. In this blog post, we will discuss two essential advertising tips to help you steer clear of false advertising allegations.

  1. 1. Never Reference the Price - When it comes to advertising your vehicles, it's crucial to avoid explicitly mentioning the price. While it may seem counterintuitive to omit such a crucial piece of information, doing so can protect your dealership from potential legal issues. By not mentioning the price in your advertisements, you eliminate the risk of unintentionally misleading customers and falling into the false advertising trap. Instead, focus on highlighting the unique features, benefits, and selling points of the vehicle without disclosing its specific price.
  1. 2. List "Call Dealer for Price" - To further reinforce transparency and comply with legal regulations, consider using the phrase "Call Dealer for Price" in your advertisements. This approach allows potential customers to understand that the price of the vehicle is subject to change due to factors such as market demand, incentives, and other relevant circumstances. By encouraging customers to reach out to your dealership directly, you can engage in a personalized conversation and provide accurate pricing information tailored to their needs. This approach not only mitigates the risk of false advertising allegations, but also establishes an opportunity for you to showcase your dealership's exceptional customer service and build trust with potential buyers.

Why Kolar and Associates?

At Kolar and Associates, we have extensive experience and have successfully represented automobile dealerships over the past two decades. Our team of attorneys and legal professionals is well-versed in the intricacies of advertising regulations, consumer protection laws, and potential pitfalls that dealerships may face. We work closely with our clients, when providing comprehensive legal advice, guidance, and representation to ensure they maintain compliance and protect their businesses.

False advertising can have severe consequences for automobile dealerships, leading to customer dissatisfaction and legal troubles. By following these two crucial advertising tips - never referencing the price and listing "Call Dealer for Price"—you can significantly reduce the risk of false advertising allegations. At Kolar and Associates, we understand the intricacies of the law and the challenges faced by dealerships in the digital age. Our Orange County auto dealership attorneys are here to assist you in navigating the complex legal landscape, to protect your dealership's reputation, and to ensure your compliance with advertising regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how our Orange County consumer law attorneys can help safeguard your dealership's interests and keep you on the right side of the law. Contact us at or dial (714) 544-0041 to learn more.

Steer Your Dealership Clear from False Advertising Claims

Contact us to see how Kolar & Associates can advocate for you.